My Oracle OpenWorld 2013 Presentations

Oracle OpenWorld was fantastic, as usual. The best show in San Francisco. This is the seventh year in a row that I’m attending – 3 times as HP employee, 3 times as Pythian employee, and now as a Clouderan. My life changes, but the event and people are always fantastic.

There will be a separate blogpost about what I learned at the event, new exciting products and my thoughts of them. But first, let me follow up on what I taught.

On Sunday afternoon, and then again on Thursday afternoon, I presented “Data Wrangling with Oracle Connectors for Hadoop”. I presented it twice because both Oracle and IOUG liked my abstract. I was surprised to discover that both audiences had no idea what “Data Wrangling” is! I appreciate the attendees, they trusted me enough to attend without even being sure what I’m planning to talk about. In both sessions I had people come up with excellent questions, mentioning that they are current or future Cloudera customers. I absolutely loved it, what a great opportunity to connect with Hadoopers from all industries.

You can find the slides here: Data Wrangling with Oracle Connectors for Hadoop

On Monday, at OakTable World, I presented ETL on Hadoop. I presented it at Surge earlier this year, but this time I think I misjudged the fit of the content to the audience – I gave pretty technical tips of how to implement ETL on Hadoop to an audience with very little experience with Hadoop. They were smart people and mostly followed along, but I should have kept my content to more introductory level.

You can find the slides here: Scaling ETL with Hadoop

On Wednesday, I was fortunate to present with my former colleague Marc Fielding on SSDs and their use in Exadata. The topic is not very Hadoop related, but I love SSDs regardless and presenting with Marc was fun and the audience was highly engaged. I did get a lot of questions on SSDs and Hadoop, so I’ll consider writing about the topic in the future.

Marc has the latest version of the slides, but you can find an approximation here: Databases in a Solid State World.

Thanks again to everyone who attended, to all the customers who stopped to say hello and to everyone who was friendly and made the event fun. I hope to see you again next year.